
Dog Dynasty

Series: Dog Dynasty

  • Director : Director:
  • Cast : Cast:
  • Genre :
  • Release Year : N/A

Dog Dynasty - S01:E01 - Smashing Marlon
The owner of the world’s biggest pit bull describes the pain of being flattened by a gigantic 175lb beast aka The Hulk.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E02 - The Kennel
Internet sensation Hulk has a new kennel for his puppies - worth a cool $25,000.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E03 - Hulk Tattoo
Dark Dynasty K9s founder Marlon pays tribute to his supersized canine companion - with an equally supersized tattoo.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E04 - Young Trainer
Watch the youngest member of the DDK9 family learning to train dogs bigger than he is.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E05 - The Super Pit Bull
Ace is dead, long live Ace. Marlon is grief stricken.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E06 - King Kong
Meet the Pretender to the Hulk's Throne.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E07 - Extreme Training Home Invasion
Hulk, the colossal 180lb pit bull, makes light work of a masked and armed intruder who climbs into the family home.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E08 - Hulk Makes a Rap Video
Move aside Snoop Dogg, 2 Chainz and Bow Wow, there’s a new canine at the top of the rap game - superstar pit bull Hulk stars alongside hip hop duo Usual Suspecktz.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E09 - Finding the Next All Star
Finding the next All Star is a unique challenge for Marlon - DDK founder and owner.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E10 - Tragedy Strikes
Hulk’s great-great grandmother Maia whose name means ‘female warrior' has been diagnosed with cancer and her owners must make a heart breaking decision.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E11 - Zion
The Trainer of legendary internet super dog Hulk has unveiled his ‘secret weapon’ – ferocious protection pit bull Zion. The 85lb colossus is so ferocious that most of his training has to be conducted with him wearing a muzzle.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E12 - Kareena
By now the whole world knows about the power of Hulk – but what is it like to actually take a bite from him? In this episode of Dog Dynasty, DDK assistant Kareena steps into the bite suit for the first time.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E13 - Training Sossa
The Trainer of the world’s biggest pit bull, Hulk has revealed the latest super-dog off his production line – 10-month-old protection dog, Sossa. Marlon shows us how to train a dog to believe he’s ‘invincible and Billy Bad-ass 24/7’.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E14 - RIP General
Tragedy strikes with the death of Hulk’s grandfather, General. The latest episode of Dog Dynasty, features the tearful scenes as Hulk's owner comes to terms with the General's demise.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E15 - Hulk's Chihuahua
The world's biggest pitbull has struck up a bizarre friendship with a tiny chihuahua more than thirty times smaller than him. World-famous Hulk, weighs in at 181lb while tiny Mami weighs just five pounds.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E16 - Hulk's Son Kobe
Meet 8 month old Kobe, son of giant pit bull, Hulk. Owner Marlon is training Kobe to be the next ultimate protection dog.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E17 - Hulk the Babysitter
THE owners of the world’s biggest pitbull are so trusting that they allow the twelve-stone dog to babysit their newborn son. Marlon and Lisa Grennan will even let world-famous Hulk lick and watch over their tiny boy, Jackson.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E21 - Hulk NYC
Giant pit bull, Hulk, takes the Big Apple by storm as part of his owner’s quest to make him the world’s most famous dog.
Dog Dynasty - S01:E22 - Ace Gets Surgery